
Hey photo,gimme a smile

  • 1
    Upload a photo
  • 2
    Drag the slider right or left
  • 3
    See how the smile changes
Drop or paste image here
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Gimme a smile
Set the required level of happiness
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About this tool
Looking to add a smile to your photos? Our online tool can help! With just a few clicks, you can make a person smile and enhance the overall look of your images.

Whether you're a photographer or just looking to improve your personal photos, our smile maker tool is perfect for all your needs. With advanced facial recognition technology, you can make subtle or significant changes to the smile in your photos, making them more captivating and engaging.
Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to adjust the smile, and you can use it on any device with an internet connection, from desktops to smartphones.

Don't settle for less-than-perfect photos. Try our smile maker tool now and transform your images into stunning works of art!
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Frequently asked questions
How does it work?
HeyPhoto uses artificial intelligence to detect faces in photos and make changes depending on the selected tool. The service is intuitive and requires no special skills.
Do you store the images I upload? What about privacy?
We securely store the images you upload to let you quickly access them when needed. However, you are free to delete them at any time.
What images work best with HeyPhoto?
For better results, use quality photos with people directly facing the camera. However, slight rotation is also OK. You can modify photos of up to 5 MB with faces of up to 1024*1024 px in size. HeyPhoto returns images of the same size and quality as the source image.
Is HeyPhoto free to use?
Yep. HeyPhoto is free to use. However, in return we put a watermark on the resulting photos. You get a free service, we get a promotion. Win-win!